East TN Miniature Wargaming

Miniature Wargaming in Knoxville, and beyond

East Tennessee Miniature Games Day, February 2025

We will be holding the next East Tennessee Miniature Games Day on Saturday, February 15. Events will be running from 2:00 until 10:00 PM.


We will be graciously hosted by Iron Wyvern
304 Wharf St
Loudon, TN 37774
Google Maps


Iron Wyvern has snack and drink vending machines, and also a beer permit. Their new kitchen will be serving a hot dogs and fries menu.

Schedule Summary

Start Time Game

2:00 Command and Colors: Ancients, the Battle of Zama 15mm

2:00 The Walking Dead: All Out War

3:00 Super Skirmish Gaming

4:00 Bolt Action 3rd edition

6:00 English Civil War with Song of Drums and Tomahawks

7:00 Void Admiral




Battle of Zama 202 BC (2:00)

Rules: Command and Colors: Ancients with 15mm miniatures
Scale: 15mm
GM: Jeff Grein

Carthage is on the verge of defeat. Scipio is in Africa and Hannibal is recalled from Italy to build an army to defend Carthage. Hannibal has his veterans from Italy but has lost his cavalry when Massinissa and the vaunted Numidian light horse join the Roman army. Whose style of battle will win out? The rigid, but powerful Carthaginian phalanx or the flexible legions of Rome?

To reserve a spot in this game, e-mail Andy Cowell.

The Walking Dead: All Out War (2:00)

Rules: The Walking Dead: All Out War by Mantic
Scale: 28mm
GM: Eli Logan

In this skirmish survival game it every person for themselves. You’ll be working to gather resources before other players while at the same time avoiding the dreaded zombie hoards. Work together, run it alone, but know the more carnage and mayhem you create the more the undead will seek you out! Fast playing easy to pick up rules - this game can accommodate up to eight players.


Super Skirmisg Gaming (3:00)

Rules: Super Skirmish Gaming by Four-Color Figures
Scale: 28mm
GM: Mik Burns

Wolverine and Sabretooth face off in a brutal showdown! Join us for a Super Skirmish Gaming demo and learn the fast-paced rules as these fierce rivals battle for survival. New and experienced players welcome!


Learn to Play Bolt Action 3rd Edition (4:00)

Rules: Bolt Action 3rd Edition
Scale: 28mm
GM: Ethan

Walk up demos of the new edition of Bolt Action! Get read to join the local escalation league!

Bolt Action is a tabletop miniature wargame set during World War II, where players fight objective-based battles against each other, using 28mm scale miniatures. It's produced by Warlord Games and is known for its focus on tactical combat at the platoon level.

Along with the games day demos, we are starting an escalation league for new players, this gives an opportunity to build forces at a slow pace, playing in multiple rounds over a couple months to forge an army based on your play style. The first list is 250 points, due by Feb 17, sent to Ethan at ethan_stout@rocketmail.com. Please give me your name, your army faction you plan on making, and your 250 point list. The first game round will be Monday the 24th. Please email Ethan for more details.


English Civil War (6:00)

Rules: Song of Drums and Tomahawks (modified for the period)
Scale:: 28mm
GMs: Allen Hughes and Dave Flannery

This will be a scenario of raiding farm fields to gain supplies for the coming winter. This is a ast play game room with for 6 players.


Battle of the Storm Zone (7:00)

Rules: Void Admiral: A Space Combat Miniature Wargames
Scale:: Capital spaceships GM: Hartsell McCulley

The Fleets of the Kurak Alliance, the Terrans and their allies the Aquans, gather together to take back a region of the chaotic Storm Zone. Their objective: the planet of Wyvern and the orbiting space stations. However, the dreaded Zenian league, The Dindrenzi, and Directorate have eyes upon the system as well, for it will provide a major boon for further offensive actions to whomever controls it. Fight for the Defense of Earth, or seek retribution for the Destruction of Dramos. Only one side will claim victory in Void Admiral!


Schedule still being finalized. If you'd like to run a game, please e-mail Andy Cowell.